Mon – Fri, 09:00am to 5:00pm. ( Weekends & Bank Holidays – Closed)

Advice and Information

Milton keynes Council

Civic Offices
1 Saxon Gate East Central Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

01908 691691
Visit website

Staying Steady Team

Bletchley Therapy Unit, Whalley Drive Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6EN

01908 72 5622
Visit website

Age UK Milton Keynes

01908 550700
Visit website

Northamptonshire Falls Prevention Service

Visit website

Bedfordshire Falls Prevention Service

01908 691691

Foot Wear

Cosy Feet

Civic Offices

01458 447275

Hotter Shoes

0800 468837
visit website

Health and Social Care

Bucks Vision Milton Keynes Resource Centre

01908 395498
visit website

Access to Adult Health and Social Care (ASCAT)

01908 253772
visit website

NHS (Non-Emergency)


Milton Keynes Stop Smoking Service

01908 254026
visit website


Adult support for drug and alcohol use in Milton Keynes

01908 691911
visit website


296 Whaddon Way, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 7JR

015256 24275
visit website


Adult Social Care Assessment (Care and Support Needs)

01908 691691
visit website


Arthritis Research UK

0300 790 0400
visit website

National Osteoporosis Society

01761 471771

Osteoporosis Help Line

0808 800 0035
visit website

Getting About

Community Transport

01908 252266
visit website

Practical help at home

Community Alarms and Telecare Service

01908 222616
visit website

Community Hot Meals (Meals on Wheels)

01908 253772
visit website

Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire and Rescue Services

01296 744400
visit website
Contact us
We accept self-referral